Designed and Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

“Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.” ― Bertrand Russell
Poetry, Letters, and Paintings are the spontaneous overflows of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. In memory of the love lost and appreciation of the love found, St. Andrew’s Centre of Philosophy and Performing Arts in association with Metamorphosis Inc. brings to you a collection of handpicked letters and poems from literary writers, poets, painters, musicians, and artist.
From desire and longing to passion and relationship, these classic works of artist/e capture the full spectrum of romance, including its highest highs, bittersweet lows, and the power of lasting relationship.
‘Notes of Love’ features the works of beloved poets, writers, and artists which include Ted Huges, Frida Kahlo, Simone de Beauvoir, Christina Rossetti, Okkur Macatti, Elizabeth Bishop, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Mark Strand, Rabindranath Tagore, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Tennesse Williams, Federico García Lorca, Emily Dickinson, Khalil Gibran, and Marcel Proust. These works take on both desire and its higher power: love in all its tender and taunting variety. Come and experience the power of love through words, said and unsaid in this delicately crafted experience.
Metamorphosis Theatre Inc Presentation