The Farewell Band
An Omkar Bhatkar Film

“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.
Friedrich Nietzsche
A director who wishes to commit suicide when everything in her life is alright. A writer who is so obsessed with his writing, that he often forgets the line between reality and fiction. A homemaker who loses her sense of home after the passing of her mother. A man searching for the loss of time spent in his ancestral house. A priest, in search of chasing a faith that is quietly leaving him. An actor in search of himself under the layers and layers of coats he wears. And innumerable of us in search of something, constantly trying to make sense of a life of the time here hoping to find that ‘something’ we lost.
The Farewell Band is a confessional piece of fragile souls underneath the reality they live in.
It is a tale of their ‘being’ speaking into a camera, hoping to be heard with altogether a different reality lying concealed.
A Metamorphosis Theatre & Films Production
Written and Directed by Omkar Bhatkar
Language: English
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 1 hr 50 minutes
Testament of Emily
An Omkar Bhatkar Film

Emily begins her morning by going to the church followed by giving philosophy lectures at the college. A devout catholic who reads Nietzsche and Foucault trying to balance faith and critical thinking. The attempt to imbibe these paradoxes result in increasing disturbing thoughts. Anxiety, incessant thoughts and strange dreams haunt her soul. Emily is plagued by a ghost of the past. Will she be able to face the past standing in front of her and following her like a repugnant shadow wherever she goes?
Written and Directed by Omkar Bhatkar
Metamorphosis Productions
Language : English
Genre : Drama
Duration : 1 hr 51 mins
Painted hymns
A Omkar Bhatkar Film

A Film by Omkar Bhatkar
Metamorphosis Productions
St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy and Performing Arts
Language : English (with subtitles)
Genre : Documentary
Duration : 1 hr 12 mins
Standing atop the Monte Santo, resolutely facing north is the Nunnery of Santa Monica. Like a grand old matriarch, the building stands not just with grace and dignity but with formidable beauty and an air of insurmountable defenses; tenderly sheltering those within whilst repelling the whims and fancies of the fickle, shallow world. Believed to be the world’s second-largest convent, the construction of the Convent of Santa Monica began in 1606 and was finished in 1627.
The convent had eleven private chapels of which only three survive today. This film is an attempt to document these murals in a poetic form, some of these murals/paintings are rare, possibly not present anywhere else in the world, especially the one in the chapel of Trinity. The paintings are painted over the wall with brushes dipped in natural vegetable dyes and reflect a love for flora and fauna. The Chapel of the Holy Trinity is like Goa’s secret Sistine chapel”.
The film is somewhere between documentary and visual theology.
A Omkar Bhatkar Film

Like everything metaphysical the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein
They on a usual evening answer a blank call and what follows after the call is a litany of brief moments spent with someone, they thought they knew well. Oblivion is a journey of them down the memory lane in a restless attempt to put pieces of themselves together, somewhere left behind in the past.
Written and Directed by Omkar Bhatkar
Metamorphosis Productions
Language : English and Marathi (with subtitles)
Genre : Drama
Duration : 1 hr 52 mins
An Evening in December
A Omkar Bhatkar Film

Come December and the festive spirit has already set in. Homes decorated with sparkly lights, Baubles and star adorn Christmas trees. The heady aroma of Christmas cakes and goodies wafting in the neighborhood. Esther and Sebastian have just finished putting up the Christmas decorations. For Esther, as usual a feeling of void, reminiscing about Decembers gone by. Rajula, their house help humming in her beautiful voice, trying to fill the empty spaces, and then Rose comes home, out of the blue with bag full of goodies wrapped in the burden of strained relationships. What will this Christmas bring to the four of them? A better tomorrow or the bitter past still lingering around? Come and experience the warmth of relationships in this chamber piece.
Written and Directed by Omkar Bhatkar
Metamorphosis Productions
Language : English (with subtitles)
Genre : Drama
Duration : 1 hr 12 mins