Written and Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

Which is more painful? The moment when something absolutely beautiful leaves your life without giving you a chance to even attempt to hold on to it … or the moment when you realize that you have to make a choice to leave something absolutely beautiful? Hope, Hamartia and Books is a complex piece about ‘life and its pain’ set in five countries like Japan, France, Estonia, Czech Republic and Spain.
A writer sitting in Paris decides to write a novel on the most fundamental purpose of our existence: Death. However, is it Death or Love that is the sole purpose of our existence? While finding answers to the most painful questions of life, he sketches characters of those around him, only to realise later whether the novel is being written by him or is it the novel writing his story of life!
The novel travels on the path of love to reach its destination (death). On this journey, dreams, desires, reality gets entangled in such a way that each character in the book finds themselves in a surreal book house, reading this devastatingly beautiful book Hope, Hamartia and Books.
Hope, Hamartia and Books is a journey through the labyrinth of life, weaving a kaleidoscope of tragic characters from Milan Kundera, Haruki Murakami and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novels reaching to a cataclysmic conclusion. To those entangled in love, the play breaks your heart excruciatingly to set it free.
Metamorphosis Theatre Inc Presentation