Pieces written by Harsh Shah, Sanket Angane and Omkar Bhatkar / Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

Smells can evoke emotions, influence moods and have you reliving entire memories with just a whiff. Fragrance is a powerful force to be reckoned with. There’s certainly more than meets the nose when it comes to understanding why this happens. The Fifth Sense is one such piece imagined by Omkar Bhatkar, bringing together Seven Stories of Scent from different sources but based on true personal experiences. Smell is a powerful tool to travel into lost time. Pleasant, painful and poignant memories can be triggered with mere smell.
The Fifth Sense is a faint yet vivid recollection of seven stories of scent that can take you right back to your childhood or bring you on a stroll in the park you just took yesterday. It might take a second or two to fully understand what thought is associated with the fragrance before you, but you know that it must be from something you’ve experienced before. Such are the seven stories picked up from real experiences of people and their connection to specific scents, musk or smell. The play is also an immersive experience where the audience will be taken on an olfactory journey through text based performance, physical theatre and perfumes of different kind.
Metamorphosis Theatre Inc Presentation
Source: Press Reader , Mid-Day