Written and Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

Inspired by works of the Indo Anglian Poetess Kamala Das and French writer Milan Kundera, Bereavement is a socio-literary play dealing with the philosophical notions of life and death.
The protagonist; a nameless old man, who is abandoned by his family is left desolated into an old age home to die. There he dreams of death one night and what follows is a philosophical query into understanding the notion of ‘Death’. Does he understand death?
Followed by that is the dilemma of another protagonist, a nameless woman who desires and longs for love. The love which she couldn’t find in her husband drives her crazy on the streets to find love in atleast one possible man. Does she find love, for which she is ready to give anything in exchange? Where will her search end?
Through these two characters Bereavement tries to shed light on the dark side of life, ‘the lonely self’.
Metamorphosis Theatre Inc Presentation
Source: India Times