sacred voices (2023 & 2024)

Several evenings of mystical poetry from the East and West.

Sacred Voices – An Evening of Mystical Poetry is a devised theatre piece of handpicked poems about the divine reflections of Saints, martyrs, and modern poets
St. Francis’s and Tukaram’s loving observations of nature, the ecstatic love poems of St. Thomas of Aquinas and Rabia of Basri, the Musical poetry of St. Catherine of Siena and Lal Ded, Meister Eckhart’s and Muktabai freeing humor of divine reach; St. Teresa of Avila and Akka Mahadevi’s sensual verse; and the mystical, healing words of St. John of the Cross and Rumi along with spiritual works by Maya Angelou, Therīgāthā – Verses of the Elder Nuns, Hafez, Surdas, Kanhopatra, NarayanGuru, Andal, Janabai.
Sacred Voices is an attempt to create profound and playful renditions of spiritual poems which also includes works of Iranian poets like Sohrab Sepehri, Japanese poet Ryōkan Taigu and the Taoist poet Hanshan.

From the West, Sacred Voices has handpicked verses about the divine reflections of Saints, martyrs and modern poets. St. Francis’ loving observations of nature through the eyes of Catholicism; the ecstatic love poems of St. Thomas Aquinas, the musical poetry of St. Catherine of Siena, Meister Eckhart’s freeing humour of divine reach; St. Teresa of Avila’s sensual verse; and the mystical, healing words of St. John of the Cross to the painful trial of Joan of the Arc- these along with contemporary spiritual works by Maya Angelou, Karen Boye, Wallace Stevens, Alicia Ostriker and Julius Lester is put together in this 70 minute dream-like rendition on stage.
Sacred Voices is an amalgamation of prolific mystical poetry for the modern audience using voice, movement, music blending the East and the West. It is an attempt to create profound and playful renditions of Western spiritual poems through this performative piece for the modern audience.


August 28th 2023, Pepper House, Fort Kochi.
October 26th 2024, The Crypt, Shrine of Don Bosco’s Madonna, Matunga
November 8 2024, Little Theatre, NCPA.